Best vape batteries
In this age of sub-ohm tanks, 150 W mods and cloud competitions, vape batteries need to be capable of putting out some serious power. To help you find the best battery for your needs, we’ve put together a new 2015 list of the best high drain batteries for sub-ohm vaping.
Cheap e-juice
Finding the best cheap e-juice is one of the most important things you can do to save money when you vape. But actually getting juice that's both delicious and not too expensive isn't easy, so we've put together these suggestions to help you strike the right balance between affordability and taste.
Cheap vape mods
Getting started with vaping doesn’t have to be expensive. We conducted several polls asking vapers to vote for their favorite devices, and we've used the results to put together a definitive list of the best e-cigarettes under $50. For anybody interested in starting to vape but not wanting to spend too much getting set up, these affordable e-cigarettes are the perfect solution.
Best cheap vape pens
Getting the best cheap vape pen helps you make the switch to vaping without spending too much to get started. Whether you're looking for something to vape e-liquid with, a concentrate vaping device or something for dry herb, there are tons of great affordable vape pens on the market. Here are some of our top picks in each category.
Vaping marijuana helps you enjoy the plant with less risk to your health, but many portable vaporizers are very expensive. However, you don't have to spend a lot if you do a bit of research on vaporizers first. We've put together of this list of the best cheap weed vaporizer devices to help you get started for less.
Vaporizers for wax and dabs
If you're in the market for a wax vape pen, how do you make sure you get the best device? How much should you spend on a dab vape pen? What should you look out for when you're making your choice? And which are the best wax vape pens on the market? This post tells you everything you need to know.
Marijuana desktop vaporizer
If you’re looking for the highest-quality dry herb vaping experience, the unfortunate truth is that something affordable and portable probably isn’t the best way to go. The good news is that there are tons of great options when it comes to desktop vape devices, and here are 10 of the best.
Best disposable e-cig vapes
Disposable e-cigarettes aren't a long-term solution for quitting smoking, but they offer a taste of what vaping is like without much of an investment. This is why finding the best disposable e-cig is an important step towards switching to vaping for good, and here are our picks for the best options to try out.
If you’re looking to vape dry herb, but don’t want to invest in a dedicated dry herb vaporizer, finding the best dry herb atomizer is a handy middle-ground solution. A dry herb vape tank attaches to your ordinary e-cigarette, but is specifically designed for vaporizing dry herbs instead of e-liquid. Here are five of the best options on the market today.
Best beginner e-cig vapes
If you're new to vaping, the massive range of options available might seem tough to choose between. How do you find the best e-cig for your needs? There is no one "best" choice, but we've put together this list of 10 high-quality beginner-level e-cigs to help you make your choice.
Best E-liquid in UK
E-liquid fuels your vaping experience. With the nicotine you’re looking for and a range of delicious flavours, finding a supply of tasty and well-made e-liquid is essential to enjoying your vaping experience. So UK vapers might find themselves wondering, what’s the best e-liquid UK? Here are our top 10 picks.
Expensive vape mods
As you get accustomed to vaping, spending a little more to get a high end vape mod starts to seem more and more worthwhile. While cheaper mods will have their little flaws, won’t be made from the highest-quality materials and ultimately may be a little unreliable, high-end mods put quality and dependability above all else. But what are the best high end vape mods on the market?
E-hookah pens can mean anything from nicotine-free disposable devices to something more like a traditional vape pen, but finding quality options can give you a straightforward and enjoyable introduction to vaping. There are a lot of options on the market, but here are 10 of the highest-quality devices.
Best E-Cig Battery
We polled thousands of vapers about their favorite VV/VW e-cigs and their favorite starter kits, and we’ve used the results of those polls to put together this top 10 list of the best internal battery mods on the market for 2017.