blu lawsuit california
It was only a matter of time until this happened. A class action has been filed against Lorillard at the Orange County Superior Court for Blu eCigs’ “claims” that e-cigarettes are safer and healthier than tobacco cigarettes.
Victor, NY vape store ban
A recent decision by the Village of Victor, NY to ban the opening of vape stores for 180 days is a sign that steps to combat vaping are really getting extreme. The moratorium has also been placed on tattoo parlors and pawn shops – other “undesirable” presences in a community – and is a reminder that despite the legality of e-cigarettes, many communities see their presence as an unwelcome one.
E-cig drug paraphernalia
Getting caught with an e-cigarette in some schools can get you suspended, tested for drugs and lead to “possession of drug paraphernalia” being marked on your school record. This means that for some students in states such as North Carolina, New Jersey, Washington and Connecticut, you’re better off being caught with cigarettes in school than e-cigarettes.
A UK couple has been banned from adopting a child because the husband was seen vaping, based on advice from the British Association for Adoption and Fostering that “users of e-cigarettes be considered smokers” until the completely ill-defined point at which the concerns about e-cigs have been settled.
E-cig news roundup - November 2015
With more attacks on the evidence-based conclusion that vaping is around 95 % safer than smoking, bans on indoor vaping, absurdly high taxes proposed on e-liquid and Malaysia taking distinct turns towards anti-vaping extremism of the worst variety, it’s been a decidedly grim Week in Vaping. So – if you can stomach it – let’s dive in.