E-cigarette news roundup October 2015
The Week in Vaping is back, with a run-down of the latest vaping and tobacco harm reduction related research, a look at recently proposed legislation, regulations and bans on vaping – increasingly frequently stretching outdoors – and some of the best blog posts from the community this week.
With a pair of “think of the children!” studies, taxes, regulations, more vaping bans, a suicide tied to e-liquid and some great blog posts, it’s been a typically busy week for e-cigarettes. But keeping up isn’t easy, so we’ve collected the most important stories from the last seven days for your rundown of the Week in Vaping.
E-cig drug paraphernalia
Getting caught with an e-cigarette in some schools can get you suspended, tested for drugs and lead to “possession of drug paraphernalia” being marked on your school record. This means that for some students in states such as North Carolina, New Jersey, Washington and Connecticut, you’re better off being caught with cigarettes in school than e-cigarettes.
Germany - E-liquids Non-Medical
After a string of court cases in Germany revolving around the possible classification of e-liquids as medicines, the Federal Administrative Court has decisively ruled that they don't meet the definition, and e-liquids can therefore continue being sold freely.
New E-Cig Product Releases November 2015
With Christmas just around the corner, it’s a great time to pick up new vaping gear – whether as gift for someone else or just a "to me, from me" treat – and the industry has responded with a solid selection of new devices and atomizers hitting the market in November. So this month's vaping product releases roundup is particularly well-stocked with awesome new gear!
Vaping News and Studies Roundup
Researchers are spying on your tweets, a judge in New York has been smart enough to declare that vaping is not smoking, more evidence-based rationality emerges from the UK and journalists are given a much-needed dose of common sense on the (non) issue of “e-cigarette battery explosions” – it’s the Week in Vaping.
Another week, and more legislation, arguments about the risks and benefits of vaping, media stories about explosions and potential poisonings, new vaping gear and great blog posts from the community. So what’s been going on in the world of vaping?
E-cig news roundup - November 2015
With more attacks on the evidence-based conclusion that vaping is around 95 % safer than smoking, bans on indoor vaping, absurdly high taxes proposed on e-liquid and Malaysia taking distinct turns towards anti-vaping extremism of the worst variety, it’s been a decidedly grim Week in Vaping. So – if you can stomach it – let’s dive in.
E-Cigarette News Roundup - Vaping Laws - E-Cig Studies
It's been jam-packed with research this week, from studies leading to claims that vaping will cause lung cancer to ones finding little to no risk of passive vaping, but there's also been the usual selection of new pieces of legislation, excellent blog posts from the community and some serious nonsense spouted about e-cigs. It's the Week in Vaping.