E-Cig News and Research
With a new study kicking up a big fuss about diacetyl, the proposed ban on indoor vaping in Wales losing its teeth, a bomb scare happening because someone was rebuilding a coil on a bus, e-cigs (or at least one) set to be available on prescription in the UK, more proposals to raise the minimum age for smoking to 21 and some great blog posts from vapers: it’s the Week in Vaping.
E-cig drug paraphernalia
Getting caught with an e-cigarette in some schools can get you suspended, tested for drugs and lead to “possession of drug paraphernalia” being marked on your school record. This means that for some students in states such as North Carolina, New Jersey, Washington and Connecticut, you’re better off being caught with cigarettes in school than e-cigarettes.
Another week, and more legislation, arguments about the risks and benefits of vaping, media stories about explosions and potential poisonings, new vaping gear and great blog posts from the community. So what’s been going on in the world of vaping?
E-Cigarette News Roundup - Vaping Laws - E-Cig Studies
It's been jam-packed with research this week, from studies leading to claims that vaping will cause lung cancer to ones finding little to no risk of passive vaping, but there's also been the usual selection of new pieces of legislation, excellent blog posts from the community and some serious nonsense spouted about e-cigs. It's the Week in Vaping.
blu lawsuit california
It was only a matter of time until this happened. A class action has been filed against Lorillard at the Orange County Superior Court for Blu eCigs’ “claims” that e-cigarettes are safer and healthier than tobacco cigarettes.
With some rare pieces of good news on the regulatory front (although there’s more bad than good news, obviously), a new wave of concern about the children following the release of the new Monitoring the Future data, more bad news for Malaysian vapers and some great blog posts from the community, it’s the Week in Vaping.
Njoy, more famous recently for the controversial TV ad, has made a landmark addition to their board of directors, appointing former Surgeon General Dr. Richard Carmona. The calls for increased regulation of the e-cigarette industry come notably from groups generally critical of e-cigs, but Njoy’s decision reflects the fact that e-cigarette manufacturers themselves also rank their customer’s health as their primary concern. This is obvious to anybody in the vaping community, but it will hopefully serve as a wake-up call for wider society.
E-Cigarette News Stories - October
The new edition of the Week in Vaping is here, bringing you the news from the vaping world with some occasional snark thrown in for good measure. This week has seen the release of a couple of interesting studies, some typically irrational moves to ban vaping (even outside), and several great posts from across the community and elsewhere.