For vapers sensitive to propylene glycol (PG) or who just prefer vegetable glycerin (VG) based mixes, finding the best high-VG e-juice is anything from a preference to an absolute necessity.
Although a 50/50 mix – or close to it – of the two base ingredients is the standard these days, VG-heavy blends are still a little difficult to find, and most e-liquids contain no more than 70% VG.
However, there are plenty of fantastic e-liquids based wholly or primarily on VG, and we’ve compiled some of the best VG vape juice flavors on the market into this list, based on our polls of ordinary vapers and personal experience.
How we chose the best VG e-liquids
We polled thousands of vapers on both the best individual vape juice flavors and the best e-juice vendors, and this list is based on the results of those polls.
For the first five entries on our best VG e-juice list, we’ve used the highest-rating individual VG e-liquids in our best e-juice poll, and the latter five are from the vendors rated highest in our best e-liquid vendors poll who offer high-VG juices – choosing their most popular flavor for this list.
The reason for splitting the list in this way is simple: we’re looking for the best individual VG e-liquid flavors in this list, but because some of the lower-placed individual VG-based juices had only a small number of votes, the differences in position are more likely to reflect chance variations in the number of votes received rather than a general preference among vapers. We’re giving the top-voted individual juices the higher positions because the focus of this list is on individual flavors, so these votes are more directly relevant than the ones for vendors overall.
Finally, we’re classing a VG vape juice as a juice with 80% or more of VG, including those which include 100% VG (PG-free) as an option (without a restriction on nicotine level). This means there is PG in a lot of the juices on this list, but it’s only at very low levels.
So now you know where this list comes from and how we put it together, let’s get to the top VG vape juice flavors.
12 High VG E-Liquid Flavors
1 – Huckleberry Pear Acai by Pachamama

You can pick up Huckleberry Pear Acai in 60 ml bottles for $9.95, available in 0 or 3mg/ml of nicotine.
Pachamama is the fruit-focused brand from the company responsible for Charlie’s Chalk Dust, focusing on unique combinations of well-captured fruit that don’t depend on dessert elements or excessive sweetness. While most of the flavors in the line-up have the standard 70% VG to 30% PG mix, Huckleberry Pear Acai comes in 80% VG, and the combination is hard to fault.
The name basically tells you everything you need to know, but the combination of the huckleberry, pear and acai berry works much better than you might imagine, with the slight bite from the berries blending perfectly with the pear, all topped off with the acai. And as we’ve come to expect from Pachamama, the fruits are really accurately captured too – even if the combination didn’t work so well it would be impressive for that alone.
2 – The Muffin Man by One Hit Wonder E-Liquid

Get the Muffin Man for $12.99.
The Muffin Man is an 80% VG blend from One Hit Wonder e-liquids, taking just over 1% of the total vote in our best e-juice flavors poll and ranking as the second-best VG vape juice flavor. The juice is another apple and cinnamon blend: with a strong, sweet apple flavor on the inhale followed by the warming taste of cinnamon muffin – a lovely bakery-style blend with a fruity twist.
The flavor is extremely well-received by vapers, many classing it as their favorite e-liquid of all time and several knocking the all-day-vape praise up a notch by classing it as an all-day-every-day-vape. To say it’s hyped would be an understatement, but it’s widely considered to live up to it.
The only downside is that this juice is only available in 100ml bottles. There is also a limited selection of nicotine levels available, with only 0, 3 and 6 mg/ml options for sale.
3 – A Quiet Morning by Alice in Vapeland

Get the A Quiet Morning for $17.50.
Taking the third place spot as one of the top VG juice flavors on the market, a Quiet Morning by Alice in Vapeland is a unique green tea and passion fruit blend. It earned a respectable share of the vote on our best e-liquids poll and is available in a max VG blend on request. The flavor is widely-praised for its accuracy and the perfect balance of the fruity elements, leading to a pleasantly-sweet e-liquid that’s interesting and subtle enough to class as an all-day-vape.
The juice is available in six nicotine levels (from 0 to 18 mg/ml, with both 1 and 3 mg/ml), and you can pick up 15, 30 and 60 ml bottles in glass (as well as 18 ml in plastic), with a 30 ml bottle costing $17.50.
It’s also important to note that April Moon – an apricot and blueberry blend – would also have made the top 10 best VG e-liquids (in fourth place) based on the results to the best e-juice flavors poll, but it’s being included here to give an extra vendor a spot on the list.
4 – Boba’s Bounty by Alien Visions

You can get Boba's Bounty in 6, 12 and 18 mg/ml of nicotine, with a 30ml bottle costing $11.99.
Boba’s Bounty is a pretty legendary flavor, known for its mysterious blend of flavors that nobody can quite agree on. The juice can be most basically described as a tobacco blend, but that doesn’t really do the complex, hard-to-pin-down nature of the flavor justice.
As a low-PG blend, it’s one of the best VG vape juice flavors on the market, even if it’s often difficult to get your hands on a bottle of it. Alien Visions only use PG when it’s incorporated as part of the flavorings they use, so it never exceeds 10% in any of their blends, but Boba’s Bounty is by far the most popular, receiving many votes in our best e-liquid flavors poll.
5 – Cinnamon Roll by Mt. Baker Vapor

The e-liquid is available in six nicotine levels – from 0 to 24 mg/ml – and in 15, 30 or 236 ml bottles, with a 30 ml bottle costing $8.99.
Cinnamon Roll is another entry on the best VG e-liquid list that meets the criteria thanks to an 80% and a max VG option being available when you place an order. It received many votes in our best e-liquids poll, with vapers loving Mt. Baker’s take on the classic flavor, blending cinnamon with frosting to produce a classic e-juice. The juice is normally well-liked without a steep too, but it’s one widely stated to improve as it ages, so it’s worth steeping if you want to get the most out of it.
6 – Original Cannoli by Bam’s Cannoli

You can pick it up in 100 ml bottles for $14.95, with options of 0 and 6 mg/ml of nicotine.
Bam’s Cannoli is a mixer with a clear focus: to bring the authentic taste of Italian cannoli into the world of e-juice. The filled pastries leave a lot of room for variety, though, because there isn’t really much of a limitation in terms of what they can contain. The Original Cannoli mixture from Bam’s incorporates a fruity cereal taste, basically like Bird Brains except with the addition of a delicious pastry component.
Whether you prefer one or the other is very much down to personal preference, but for us the extra layer to the flavor really brings out the best in the cereal while giving it something to fall back on. It’s an 80% VG mix (not surprising since you can’t really vape 100% VG e-liquid in most devices), which makes it perfect for clouds.
7 – Bird Brains by Cuttwood Vapors

You can pick up Bird Brains for $17.99 for a 60 ml bottle, in 0, 3 or 6 mg/ml of nicotine.
Cuttwood is most known for Unicorn Milk, but if you’re in the market for something with more than 70 % VG to 30 % PG, Bird Brains is the juice you should consider. With an 80% VG to 20% PG mix, it strikes the sweet spot between the clouds you get from VG and the thinner consistency from PG. The flavor is vaguely described as “breakfast cereal,” but the intention is clearly to replicate Froot Loops, and the e-liquid does an awesome job on that front.
If you like cereal-inspired e-juices and fruity ones in particular, this is likely to be your favorite option from the whole Cuttwood line-up. It’s true that many companies offer similar flavors (Froot Loops or Fruity Pebbles inspired), but Cuttwood’s version blows the majority of them out of the water, especially if you’re looking for the best cloud-chasing e-juice.
8 – Strawberry by King
Strawberry only ships in 100 ml bottles, which might not be ideal if you’re just trying it out, but for $16.95 it’s a fantastic price.
It’s always refreshing to see a juice where the name tells you everything you need to know about the flavor, but even better when the juice is like King’s Strawberry and really delivers on its promises. The flavor is pretty sweet – not much of a surprise if you’ve tried a lot of strawberry e-liquids – but both elements come through clearly and the strawberry in particular is really well captured.
It’s a high-VG vape juice, with 80% VG in the mix that balances the cloud-producing ability of VG against the need for good wicking. The juice comes in 0, 3 or 6 mg/ml of nicotine, which is right in line with what you’d expect from a max VG e-juice.
9 – #SinkingShip by Mitten Vapors

The blend comes in a choice of six nicotine levels – from 0 to 18 mg/ml – and costs $7.99 for a 30 ml bottle. You can also add extra flavor shots if you want a more robust flavor.
#SinkingShip is the best-selling e-liquid from Mitten Vapors: a complex blend of 13 different ingredients, including banana, chocolate and peanut butter on the inhale and a creamy, sweet taste on the exhale.
It comes in either 50/50 or max VG, and Mitten Vapors was among the top-rated vendors in our poll, making this juice – and others from Mitten Vapors – a contender for the best VG e-juice. Not all of Mitten Vapors’ juices get rave reviews, but the response to SinkingShip has been overwhelmingly positive, although many don’t pick up the peanut butter elements.
10 – Mech Milk by Mech Sauce

Get the Mech Milk for $9.50.
This is the best-selling flavor from Mech Sauce, a strawberry milkshake blend that’s widely praised for its accuracy to the genuine article – and for just being straight-up delicious. All of the e-liquids from Mech Sauce come in a choice of PG/VG ratios, including 80%, 90% and max VG, making it a great option for the cloud-chasing VG-lovers and anybody sensitive to PG and putting it among the best VG vape juice flavors on the market.
The juices from Mech Sauce all come in six nicotine levels (from 0 to 18 mg/ml) and cost just $9.50 for a 30 ml bottle. If you’re looking for something other than strawberry milkshake, Captain Loopy is another of their most popular flavors – a replication of the milk left over after a bowl of fruit loops.
11 – Death by Chocolate by Kai’s Virgin Vapor (100% VG)
Get Kai's Death by Chocolate for $22.50 (30ml).
Kai’s Virgin Vapor is one of the only companies that avoids PG for those with sensitivities or allergies, and Death by Chocolate is arguably the best 100% VG e-liquid on the market today.
As the name suggests, the focus of this flavor is firmly on the chocolate, with a rich and creamy flavor that balances sweetness with the robustness of a high-quality dark chocolate. Some people find the flavor a little subtle, but it’s a great choice for an all-day-vape and it improves with steeping too. It might not knock your head off, but the chocolate is well-captured and realistic, and definitely worth trying even if you weren’t looking for pure VG e-liquids specifically.
Kai’s does more than just focusing on VG-based juices, too, all of the ingredients are certified organic, and the nicotine is USP grade. The challenge with pure VG e-liquid is making it thin enough to vape, and to this end, they’ve added a trace amount (less than 0.25%) organic ethyl alcohol (essentially “drinking” alcohol) to reduce the viscosity while still producing something that can be vaped. You can pick it up in 0, 3, 6, 12 or 18 mg/ml of nicotine, and bottle sizes range from 15 to 120 ml, priced at $22.50 for a 30 ml bottle.
12 – The Lazy Iguana by Kind Juice (100% VG)

You can get the Lazy Iguana for $24.99 (30ml).
Kind Juice is one of the only companies around that focuses on producing the best PG-free e-juice, but not only that, they make sure to only use organic and sustainably sourced ingredients, with no artificial additives whatsoever going into their liquids.
The result is a great choice of juice company if you have an allergy or insensitivity to PG, or if finding environmentally-friendly, natural e-liquid is important to you. They have a range of six excellent flavors, but the Lazy Iguana is a particularly good choice if you’re looking for a smooth and authentic fruity flavor.
The Lazy Iguana is a combination of kiwi, strawberry and guava, with the kiwi and strawberry giving the flavor a backing of natural sweetness and the guava rounding the whole thing out and helping it go down smoothly.
As with all of the Kind Juice flavors, it’s a 100% VG mix, so you’ll need a sub ohm tank with good wicking or a rebuildable to get the most out of it. You can pick it up in 0, 3, 6 or 12 mg/ml of nicotine. The price is a little higher than most, at $24.99 for a 30 ml bottle, but with the care and high-quality ingredients that go into Kind Juice’s products, it’s still a great deal.
It goes without saying that these blends only scratch the surface of the wide variety of e-liquids on the market today, and it’s likely that many vapers’ pick for best VG e-juice didn’t make the list.
Our aim in conducting the polls was to produce a set of objective “best of” lists rather than depending on personal preference, but if you think a fantastic VG e-juice has been missed off: let us – but most importantly, readers looking for more options – know in the comments!
Additionally, if you’re looking for some other suggestions, our list of the best premium e-juice (or cheap e-juice if you're on a budget) have many other VG-heavy blends on the list – ranging from tobacco flavors, fruity or dessert options, as well as menthol blends – but most of these are just 70% VG.