Drip tips are a big part of vaping, but something it’s easy to take for granted. That is, until you get a crappy one.
Finding the best vape drip tips will improve the performance from your vape tank, as well as adding some visual flair to your vaping setup and ensuring great heat-resistance.
These days, wide bore drip tips dominate the industry, and some include extra features like a secondary airflow control.
Since they’re all pretty affordable, getting the best drip tips is a really simple way to improve your vaping experience.
Best Drip Tips for Performance Vaping
Here are our picks for the top vape drip tips in the industry.
1 – 810 TFV Air Resin Drip Tip
You can pick it up for $5.95.

Most of the top drip tips on this list are fairly simple when it comes to design, with the bore of the tip and the purely decorative aspects being the main selling-points. But the TFV Air tip incorporates its own airflow control system into the design.
This is built into a gold band that runs around the center of each tip, and while the amount of control it offers is obviously less than the main airflow control on your tank, it gives you another way to tailor your vape.
This extra feature makes it substantially better than most wide bore drip tip options for cloud-chasing, although it still has the standard 8 mm bore too. Of course, it offers the heat resistance and unique patterning you get from any of the best drip tips made from resin, but it also does a lot more than most without even increasing the price.
2 – 810 Clear Snakeskin Resin Drip Tip
The tips cost $5.95 each.

The 810 Clear Snakeskin Resin drip tip is one of the best options if you’re looking for a cloud-chaser drip tip. The 810 connection works perfectly with most of the sub ohm tanks on the market today, but the inner bore is 9 mm, which offers superior airflow that really helps when it comes to producing big clouds.
It has the same benefits as basically any resin drip tip, offering great heat resistance and a unique color pattern for each tip, but they all have a feint snakeskin pattern across the body, giving some extra visual pop to each one. They’re all slightly clear, but you can pick up white, light purple and light blue, along with some options (out of stock at time of writing) in green, dark blue and dark purple.
3 – Hellvape AG+ Drip Tip
It costs $7.99, but the slightly higher price is definitely worth it for one of the most high quality drip tips on the market.

The AG+ drip tip from Hellvape is a resin drip tip with a difference. It’s made from a new, anti-bacterial resin material that offers the core benefit of resin in terms of looks and heat-resistance with the additional benefit of being safer to share and generally have out of the house.
The look of the tip is a little different from the usual resin patterns too, with more of a crystalline appearance for the gold and silver color options, and a solid color for the dark purple, blue and red options.
The drip tip is 810, and a good option if you want a shorter tip, measuring in at just 12.5 mm tall. You don’t need to worry about your lips getting hot being closer to the tank, though, because the resin offers good heat resistance anyway.
4 – Modish Metal Works Drip Tips

You can pick them up here for $14.95.
Modish Metal Works has a pretty extensive range of stainless steel drip tips, and every single type is also available as a heat-resistant Delrin drip tip too. The stainless steel drip tips are beautifully machined, and even though they do conduct heat, for most vaping purposes they get the job done well.
The 510 drip tip connections mean that they’re all suitable for the majority of tanks on the market, and most of the options are wide bore, making them great options for anybody looking for a cloud chaser drip tip. As well as Delrin and stainless steel, most of the tips are available in brass, titanium and copper.
5 – 810 Mosaic Drip Tip
You can pick it up for $5.95.

The Mosaic drip tip for sale at Element Vape is one of the options on this list that really stands out from the crowd based on its appearance more than anything. Of course, it works well functionally too: it has a pair of O-rings around the 810 connection to ensure a solid fit to your tank, and the wide bore design makes it a great option for cloud chasers.
It’s also 17 mm tall, which puts enough space between your lips and the body of your tank without being excessively long. But the mosaic patterning is beautiful, similar to an ordinary resin tip in some ways (and made of resin too), but the purposeful pattern gives it more of an arty look than most of the options on the market. It’s available in black, blue or purple (with other colors for the design), with the green and red options sold out at the time of writing.
6 – Stainless Steel and Acrylic Drip Tip (Vapor4Life)
You can pick up the tip for $4.99.

Vapor4Life’s Stainless Steel and Acrylic drip tip is another 510 option that’s a great match for vapers looking for a more flavorful, mouth-to-lung vaping experience. The drip tip has a stainless steel 510 connection and inner tube, which gives a smooth path for your vapor but also holds the acrylic outer layer in place.
This comes in a choice of four colors, black, white, blue or red, with unique patterning like you get from many similar tips. When you’re vaping with the tip, your lips only come into contact with the acrylic, so the heat resistance isn’t jeopardized by the steel core at all.
7 – Wotofo 810
The Wotofo 810 is available for $4.95.

The 810 drip tip from Wotofo is simple and to-the-point but affordable and with a great design. The drip tip is made from resin and it has a classic look for the material, with a main color for the tip but swirls and flecks of other colors throughout to give it some visual pop.
The drip tip is quite short (just 17 mm tall), but it has a thick outer body which – in combination with the resin – ensures excellent heat resistance even on an RDA or high-power sub ohm device. The wide bore offers fantastic vapor production and flavor, with a double O-ring to ensure a snug fit onto your tank. Most versions of the Wotofo 810 have a metal ring where the mouthpiece meets your atomizer.
8 – Blitz Diamond Resin
You can pick up the tips for $7.99 each.

The Blitz Diamond Resin drip tip is more of a flexible option than many of the best vape drip tips, because you can either pick it up as a 510 or 810 drip tip. As with the Cobra Resin, the design is right in line with the majority of options on the market right now, but it can work whether you want a mouth-to-lung or direct-to-lung vaping experience.
It’s made from heat-resistant resin, with double O-rings around the base for a good connection. As the name suggests, it has a diamond pattern around the main body of the tip, with nine color options for both the 810 and 510 versions. Regardless of the color you choose, the combination is simple but works really well in terms of design.
9 – Blitz Cobra Resin 510
You can pick up the Blitz Cobra for $7.99.

The 510 version of the Blitz Cobra marks another of the 510 options on this list, ideal for anybody interested in a mouth-to-lung vaping experience. The drip tip itself is pretty straightforward, with a translucent resin body – available in nine different colors – with a scaly, snakeskin-like pattern overlaid on the color.
The drip tips have two O-rings around the 510 connection to ensure a good fit to your tank, and open up a little above to allow for a suitable amount of airflow. It earns a spot among the top-rated drip tips on the market because it manages to blend a more modern design and style with the more traditional 510 sizing.
10 – Smok Cobra V1 Resin
You can pick it up for $5.99.

The Cobra V1 from Smok is the first of the best vape drip tips with the more common 810 sizing. These give more room for airflow, so they’re the perfect companion for sub ohm tanks and direct-to-lung vaping.
The Cobra is a resin drip tip, with the individual casting giving a unique look to each specific tip, while all bearing a snakeskin-like scaled effect that makes it a great offering if you’re into cool drip tips.
Smok includes similar tips with some of their tanks, but if you want the tip without committing to a TFV or another Smok tank, the Cobra V1 Resin is a fantastic offering, that does everything you need from a drip tip and has plenty of style too.
11 – Sequins Resin
The price of $3.95 is pretty good for one of the top-rated drip tips on the market too.

The Sequins Resin drip tip is another 510 entry onto this list, better if you’re looking for something for mouth-to-lung vaping than for huge clouds, although paired with the right device you can definitely use it for both.
The name kind of tells you all you need to know: the drip tip is mainly made from resin, with metallic flakes added during the manufacturing process to give it a sequined look.
The result is a great-looking drip tip, with options of black or blue with silver or gold sequins, making it easy to match the tip with your tank and mod. Of course, the drip tips are resin, so you get the heat resistance you expect along with a truly unique look for your specific tip.
12 – Ming Vase Drip Tip
You can pick up the Ming Vase for $5.99.

It’s a little harder to find a good 510 drip tip these days, but there are still plenty of great options out there if you’re not interested in an 810 wide bore drip tip. The Ming Vase drip tip from Vapor4Life is an option just like this, with a bulb-like section towards the bottom and opening up near the top like a vase.
There are seven color options available in total, with a swirling, resin-like effect on each but a choice of purple, red, blue, green, yellow, black and white for the main color. It’s a fairly straightforward offering, but you can pick up the drip tips for $5.99 each.
Vape Drip Tips 101
Finding the best quality drip tips to support your vaping experience is the most important thing, but you might be looking for some information on the basics of drip tips before you make your purchase.
Although vape drip tips are a fairly basic bit of gear, there is more to consider than you might imagine.
Here are the basics you should know before choosing your drip tip.
What is a Vape Drip Tip?

A vape drip tip is another term for the mouthpiece you use to inhale from your vape mod.
The term might seem a little strange, but it comes from the fact that the original e-cig drip tips were intended to guide e-liquid down towards your coil, so it was literally a tip (i.e. a mouthpiece) that you drip through.
The name drip tip stuck, even though the function was quickly reduced to just being a mouthpiece to inhale through.
If you want a more explicit answer to “what is a drip tip?” it can be simply described as a small tube that slots into the top cap of your atomizer or vape tank.
They tend to stick in place by friction alone, with an O-ring around the base that helps it stay in place.
In some cases, they screw in using threading, but this is much less common than push-fit designs.
The sizes can also vary, with a 510 drip tip being the most used size, but bigger tips are available too, particularly 810 sizes.
Some RDA tanks in particular have uniquely sized big drip tips, but most will include a 510 adapter so you can use other drip tips if you prefer.
Types of Vape Drip Tips
There are many different types of drip tips on the market, and the best way to characterize them is by the materials they use. Here is a run-down of the most common ones:
1. Delrin/Teflon/Ultem Drip Tips

A Delrin drip tip is a common heat-resistant type of drip tip, and is a brand name of polyoxymethylene (POM).
It’s a thermoplastic, so it’s both fairly affordable and resistant to the high heat that often accompanies sub ohm, high-wattage vaping. Many of the options in our list are Delrin, or are at least available in Delrin versions.
A Teflon drip tip is really similar in terms of characteristics, but has a silkier, smoother mouth-feel than Delrin.
Ultem is another thermoplastic, that again offers similar benefits to Delrin and Teflon.
2. Glass Drip Tips

Glass vape drip tips offer a great balance between heat resistance and cool designs, and have no impact on the flavor of your e-juice.
Most glass drip tips are a little more expensive than those made from other materials, but they’re preferred by many flavor-chasing vapers and there are many unique shapes, sizes and designs to choose from.
3. Wood Drip Tips

Wood drip tips aren’t as common as some of the other options, but wood offers impressive heat resistance and has a naturally cool look that works well with many tanks.
You need to make sure they’re finished properly to avoid warping of the wood, but provided it’s well-made, wood drip tips are an excellent choice for most purposes.
4. Metal Drip Tips

There are many types of metal options for vape tips, including stainless steel drip tips, aluminum, copper, brass, titanium and even other materials such as gold drip tips.
Stainless steel is the most common option, and it’s often found on cheap drip tips. Of course, metals generally conduct heat which means they aren’t ideal for high wattage chain vaping, but for most purposes they do the job really well.
They aren’t the absolute best option when it comes to flavor – some vapers report an impact on the taste of your juice – but if you’re looking for good drip tips that don’t cost too much, they’re a fantastic option.
Of course, if you want to go with something much more high quality, a titanium drip tip or gold drip tips are worth considering.
5. Stone Drip Tips

Stone drip tips aren’t as common as some of the other varieties on our drip tips list, but their heat-resistance and the lack of an impact on the flavor of your juice make them a fantastic choice for discerning vapers.
The designs are also often really aesthetically-pleasing, especially with a marble drip tip.
You’ll pay a little bit more for stone drip tips on average, but if you’re looking for high quality drip tips, they’re definitely worth considering.
6. Hybrids

Finally, a hybrid drip tip is a combination of two or more drip tip materials.
For example, some of the options on our drip tips list use a Delrin drip tip base but incorporate metals into the tube or the outer sections.
Depending on the specific combinations used, this can give you the best of both worlds.
For example, a Delrin or other heat resistant base will make the drip tip suitable for higher-wattage vaping, even if the rest of the tip is made from another material.
How to Use a Vape Tip
If you’re wondering how to use a drip tip, the truth is you’ll probably be able to use it without any instruction at all.
The drip tip is attached to the opening in the top of the tank or atomizer, and you usually insert them by simply pushing it in place, and remove it by pulling it out.
Then all you have to do is place your mouth to the tip and inhale to vape. That’s it.
If vape tips still worked like they used to (to guide e-juice down to your coil) there would be more to it, but as it stands they’re probably the easiest part of your setup to use.
How to Choose the Best Drip Tips for Vaping
With so many options out there for drip tips, how do you find the best-performing drip tips for your needs?
If you’re wondering how to choose the right mouthpiece for vaping, the best thing to do is think about what you’re looking for from your vaping experience.
The simplest way to distinguish between the different options are by thinking about what makes a good cloud chaser drip tip and what makes a drip tip better for flavor-chasing.
There aren’t many drip tip reviews you can check out, but you’ll generally get a good result if you follow these basic guidelines.
Vape Tips for Cloud-Chasing

A good cloud chaser drip tip is mainly determined by its width and airflow.
A wide bore drip tip is one with a wider opening, and this generally improves the airflow, which in turn means it will produce more vapor.
This same theory can be taken even further, since some of the best-rated drip tips have airflow control built-in, such as the Airflow Drip Tip and the Honeycomb option on the list above.
A final thing to consider is heat resistance, because higher wattage vaping produces bigger clouds and leads to more heat.
Using the advice from the different types of drip tip section above, stone, glass, Delrin, Teflon, Ultem and wood drip tips make the best vape drip tip for clouds.
Vape Tips for Flavor

If you’re looking for great vape tips when it comes to getting the best flavor from your mod, it’s quite straightforward to find a good option.
Unlike the drip tips for cloud chasing, a small bore vape mouthpiece will generally produce better flavor than a wide bore one.
You can look for a super long drip tip too, because most of these are quite narrow and also look really cool.
Using a heat-resistant material is still beneficial, but it isn’t as important because you’re less likely to be pushing the wattage really high.
Really, you can find cheap drip tips that will do the job really well for flavor, but it’s still worth investing a little more to get something made from high-quality materials.
Finding the best-quality vape drip tips isn’t as important as finding the best mod or the best sub ohm tanks, but it’s still an important part of vaping that you shouldn’t completely overlook.
There are plenty of great vape tip options, from glass tips to stone tips to plastic tips, and you don’t have to spend much to find high quality drip tips.
There’s no need to stick with the vape pen drip tips that come with your device with so many excellent options available.