New VaporFi Vape Juice Review

Bottom Line
VaporFi’s newest e-juices offer a step up in quality without pushing the price too high. With some stand-out options like Strawberry Shortcake Ice Cream in the line-up and max VG blends all round, they’re ideal for converted vapers looking for that much-needed blend of huge clouds and robust flavor.
Throat Hit
User Review1 Votes
Two flavors crafted with the help of Cosmic Fog and some similar VaporFi creations
Max VG blends perfect for cloud-chasers
Sweet, dessert and fruity flavors
Strawberry Shortcake Ice Cream is particularly delicious
Four nicotine levels: 0, 3, 6 and 12 mg/ml
Good price of $17.99 for a 30 ml bottle
Diacetyl and acetyl propionyl free
More detail provided on ingredients than you get from most e-juice brands
Perfect for longer-term vapers
Vanilla Caramel Swirl is a little too subtle
Higher-VG blends not suited to every atomizer
Not ideal for just-switching smokers
Outer packaging is eye-catching, but not good for storage

Are they worth picking up?

VaporFi’s new e-juices are definitely a step up from the standard fare many vapers get used to. They have the feel of premium juices, and with a price of $17.99 for a 30 ml bottle, this makes them pretty affordable in comparison to the competition.

The flavors are all enjoyable, and while the Strawberry Shortcake Ice Cream is the best option – at least for my tastes – you can easily see each of the options being somebody’s favorite. The e-liquids might not be the very best juices you’ve ever tasted, but they’re all more than worth the cost if you like the sound of the flavors.

Full review

VaporFi E-Juice Review - New VaporFi Flavors

VaporFi’s e-liquid range has been getting fancier and fancier over the years. At first, like many other companies, they offered tons of different flavors of e-juice, but it was more low-price than high-quality. Then they came out with the Reserve Collection, offering a higher-end series of more refined and well-crafted flavors. But that wasn’t enough, and the Grand Reserve e-juices came out and raised the bar even further. Now, working with Cosmic Fog, VaporFi has released two juices with the help of Cosmic Fog, and put out some extra flavors of their own in the same vein. Our new VaporFi vape juice review combines two of these VaporFi-made juices with a VaporFi “Crafted by Cosmic Fog” e-juice review.

The flavors are sweet and dessert blends – and they’re all included in the Limited Edition Series Vape Juice Bundle. The four juices covered in this review are Strawberry Shortcake Ice Cream, Grandma’s Dutch Apple Pie, Vanilla Caramel Swirl and Very Berry Slushie. They’re all pretty reasonably priced too, at $17.99 for a 30 ml bottle, but are they as good as they sound?

Packaging and Design

VaporFi E-Liquid Review

VaporFi really went all out with the packaging on the latest juices. All the bottles come in a cardboard outer package, with the apple pie in a slice-shaped box, the slushie in a big slushie cup, the caramel swirl “bites” in a little tub, and the shortcake in a little cake box. This has quite an eye-catching look, and they work well overall. But it must be said they’re basically pointless packaging and too bulky to be used for storage.

VaporFi Crafted by Cosmic Fog Review - Bottles

The bottles themselves are glass, with child-proof tops, dripper caps and everything you expect. The design on the labels is less in-your-face, too. The two Cosmic Fog blends have a nice, refined look, with a pie-top lattice on the apple pie and a largely white label with pink detail for the strawberry shortcake. The slushie label works well, but the vanilla caramel bites one looks a little too much like a genuine design for the label of some bite-sized chocolate and caramel bites.

The ingredients list is also pretty detailed. In particular, they point out the percentage of flavorings in the overall mix. I really like this. Although they all just say “over 20 %” flavoring, in principle, this would give any vapers concerned about flavoring inhalation an indication of which juices to go for and which to avoid. They don’t use diacetyl or acetyl propionyl, but this is still a really welcome addition to the ingredients listing regardless.

Mixing Options

VaporFi Vape Juice Review - PG VG and Nicotine Options

The juices covered in this review are all max VG blends, and there’s no option to change the PG/VG ratio. This isn’t an issue because these juices are for longer-term vapers, and it also makes them well-suited to cloud-chasing. The throat hit is smooth, but the vapor production is excellent, with thick plumes from every puff. You do need a sub ohm tank or rebuildable atomizer with good wicking to cope with the viscosity, though.

For nicotine, you have options of 0, 3, 6 and 12 mg/ml. This is more than enough choices for longer-term vapers, and with a good atomizer 12 mg/ml would even be good for a just-switching smoker. At the other end, the 3 mg/ml option is ideal for dripping, and is really a must with modern devices.

VaporFi Vape Juice Review – The Flavors

VaporFi Crafted by Cosmic Fog Review


Strawberry Shortcake Ice Cream – Rating 5/5

Accuracy: The name really tells you what to expect here, and the juice delivers on its promises. The strawberry is the main flavor that comes through, which has a light quality, and is beautifully supported by softer, creamier notes. It does come across as more of a strawberries and cream juice than an ice cream, necessarily, but there is a touch of cake that comes through on the nose.

Overall: This is a wonderfully captured juice that it’s hard not to like. The strawberry is soft, fruity and sweet, and is perfectly balanced out by the prominent creamy elements in the juice. The flavor manages to be robust enough to be delicious with every puff but soft and gentle enough to keep you coming back for more. This is a definite all-day vape for me, and one I’d strongly recommend picking up if you place an order.

Grandma’s Dutch Apple Pie – Rating 4/5

Accuracy: This is the second flavor crafted by Cosmic Fog, and offers a mixture of tart apple and pie crust. The execution here is good, with the tart apple coming through strongly, offering a pleasantly sour start but with enough sweetness backing it up to make the whole experience a pleasant one. The crust comes through particularly strongly on the exhale, but is detectable earlier in your draw too.

Overall: This juice does a good job of hitting on the intended flavors, and overall it’s pleasant to vape. The apple carries the flavor, with the pie crust serving more of a supporting role. The tartness of the flavor makes it a little bit challenging on the palate, but if you’re a fan of sharp fruity flavors you’ll likely love this. The juice would be improved a little by a softer or sweeter element like cream or caramel, but it’s still definitely enjoyable as it stands.

Very Berry Slushie – Rating 4.5/5

Accuracy: This is a fruity mixture of blueberries, raspberries, watermelon and colada. It promises a slushie-inspired flavor guaranteed to take you back to your youth, just without the brain-freeze. Each element comes through roughly equally, with the raspberries adding a tartness, watermelon adding a mouthwatering, subtle sweetness, blueberries providing a layer of complexity and the colada topping it all off. When you take it all together, though, it tastes just like a slushie. This is just what you’re looking for from the juice.

Overall: This is a really good e-juice, and if you like the taste of slushies, you’ll absolutely love it. The flavor is sharp and fruity, but it has a candy-like sweetness to it, which takes the edge off nicely and keeps the flavor true to the real deal. For me, the juice gets a little sickly after a while and I wouldn’t class it as an all-day-vape, but it’s definitely one to enjoy every so often as a treat for the tastebuds.

Vanilla Caramel Swirl – Rating 4/5

Accuracy: This juice is intended as vanilla ice cream draped in caramel, with a touch of Bavarian cream to finish the combination off. The flavors here are relatively understated, with the mixture of vanilla ice cream and the Bavarian cream giving the whole flavor a subtle, velvety backdrop. This leaves the caramel to take center-stage in the juice. Although the caramel is well-captured and realistic, it manages to play its role without being too in-your-face or overpowering the creamier elements.

Overall: This e-juice is best described as “pleasant.” It isn’t one you’ll be hurriedly recommending to all the vapers you know, but it’s still one you’ll happily make your way through a bottle of. The gentle vanilla and cream making up the bulk of the flavor are well-rounded and enjoyable, but don’t really jump out at you. The caramel gives the juice a bit more punch and some much-needed character, but it’s kept so subtle that it almost fades into the general din of the e-juice. It’s really tasty, regardless, but it could definitely do a little more to keep you coming back.