So, people are vaping caffeine now. It was only a matter of time before the occasional caffeine-spiked e-liquid turned into a full-blown purpose-built caffeine vaporizer, but the question remains as to whether there’s any point in using one. Sadly, vaping caffeine appears to offer no concrete benefits and poses unknown risks.
e-cig wick safety guide
Your wick is the part of your e-cig most likely to contaminate your vapor, so learning about preparation and general wick safety is vital for any rebuilders.
vaping driving
Vaping while driving may be safer than smoking, but only if you prepare for the journey sufficiently and heed some basic advice. And never drip and drive.
One of the most commonly cited arguments against electronic cigarettes is that “there is no way of knowing what’s inside them.” Shocking as it may sound; you can rest assured that is far from true. Consumer safety regulations protect people from dangerous substances, and most respectable manufacturers send their products for third-party testing to further verify their safety for consumption. In comparison to tobacco smoke, which has at least 5,000 chemicals (the actual figure is unknown), electronic cigarettes have a clear advantage because they only contain a handful of chemicals.
These days you’ll barely ever see a mod released which doesn’t offer temperature control. But what is TC vaping? How does it work? Why would you want to use it? What coils can you use with it? Here’s everything you need to know.