Are they worth picking up?
Vape Wild may have gamed the system a little bit in our poll, and I wouldn’t personally rank them as the best e-juice brand in the industry.
But as much as I wanted to give them some no-holds-barred critique, as I worked my way through the juices I found myself liking them more and more, and understanding why so many of their fans voted for them in our poll. Their flavors might not have the pretentious, multi-tonal flavors and accompanying flowery descriptions that some self-styled “premium” brands depend on, but they do exactly what you want them to: make delicious e-juice.
What’s more, they offer their juices at exceptionally affordable prices, with more options for nicotine level and PG/VG ratio than most of the brands on the market. They’re like an alternative to Mt. Baker Vapor, with arguably better flavors and a playful and infectious sense of humor. As much as I didn’t think this would be the result, I’ll admit it: I love Vape Wild.
Full review

When we ran a poll asking ordinary vapers to vote for the best e-juice brands in the industry, Vape Wild came out on top. This may sound awesome – and it certainly means they have a lot of staunch supporters – but their position was a touch controversial, to say the least. With tons of excellent companies like Boosted, Space Jam, Suicide Bunny and more vying for the title, how did little old Vape Wild manage to come out on top? While the traditional premium brands charge $20 or more for a 30 ml bottle, Vape Wild is basically a budget offering at just $6.99 per 30 ml. Can they really have come out on top of the pack while only charging a third of the price?
Well, the key point is that e-juice doesn’t have to be expensive to be awesome. Companies might slap pretentious descriptions onto their websites and jack up the price, but that doesn’t make the e-juice any more delicious than a cut price brand. Vape Wild even actively mocks expensive e-juice brands with their satirical “Pretentious” line.
So Vape Wild has a huge (and quite enthusiastic) following, the prices are great and they’re pushing back against the pretentiousness of many e-juice brands. It sounds amazing, but does the reality live up to the expectation? Do they deserve their spot as the best e-juice brand on the market? We’ve tested the juices in our Vape Wild review to find out.
Packaging and Design

Vape Wild’s e-liquid comes in the basic plastic style bottles, with child-proof caps and dripper spouts. The label design is great, with the Vape Wild logo front and center, the name of the juice along the bottom and a unique picture for each flavor as a background on each – for example, the Raspberry Rhubarb Custard juice has a pot of custard sitting atop a layer of raspberries, and Honey Moo Moo has a cow’s face eerily close to the camera with a red background. The nicotine level is shown up the left hand side of the label and the PG/VG ratio is indicated on the right.
Overall, the bottles don’t do anything too unique, but they get the job done and have a generally appealing appearance.
Mixing Options

Vape Wild really goes the extra mile when it comes to options for how your juice is put together. They have a huge range of nicotine levels on offer: 0, 1.5, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18 and 24 mg/ml. Not only does this meet the needs of heavier smokers through the higher nicotine levels, it also has tons of options for longer-term vapers who aren’t consuming much nicotine. Plus, the extra 9 mg/ml level is a great addition for anybody struggling to step down from 12 to 6 mg/ml.
For PG and VG, you also have an impressive range of options available. Using the format PG/VG, they offer 80/20, 65/35, 50/50, 35/65 and max VG (which is 20/80 or higher). Most vapers will stick to 50/50 or 35/65, but the fact they offer tons more options than this is excellent. With both the PG/VG and the nicotine options, Vape Wild goes the extra mile to ensure that everyone from just-switching smokers to long-term vapers can get the perfect mix for their preferences.
Vape Wild Review: The Flavors

Raspberry Rhubarb Custard – Rating 4.5/5
Accuracy: This flavor is self-explanatory, and each component does come through clearly. The raspberry and rhubarb both give the flavor a fruity bite, with the rhubarb taking prominence in the flavor and being generally very well captured. You can also pick out the raspberry really well, and it adds some more pleasant, fruity sweetness to the flavor. This is all topped off with the custard, adding a creamy, softer layer to the flavor and rounding the whole thing out.
Overall: This is a really delicious e-juice. The sharpness from the fruity components is perfectly balanced by the custard, and the gentle sweetness from the raspberry and the custard make the flavor delicious with every puff. The combination works really well, and the rhubarb occasionally comes through more strongly in the mix too add some character to the whole thing. It’s a great flavor, and definitely one to try if you place an order.
I’m On a Roll – Rating 4.5/5
Accuracy: This is a caramel and cinnamon roll e-juice, basically Vape Wild’s Cinnamon Roll option with added caramel. Both elements definitely come through in this juice, with the well-captured cinnamon roll being the core component. The cinnamon is subtle, less prominent than the bakery components that accompany it, and the caramel finishes the whole thing off nicely.
Overall: I’m on a Roll is another excellent juice from Vape Wild. If you’re a fan of sweeter, dessert-like juices, this is definitely one for you. The bakery elements from the cinnamon roll is really the centerpiece of the flavor, with the subtle cinnamon and the touches of caramel improving things without making the juice overpowering or sickly-sweet. Some vapers might prefer the cinnamon dialed up just a touch (although you can choose to boost the amount of flavoring), but for me the blend is great as it comes.
Butterbeer – Rating 3.5/5
Accuracy: This is a blend of butterscotch, vanilla and cream, inspired by the drink from the Harry Potter universe. The flavor is very gentle – the butterscotch forms the bulk of the taste, but the vanilla and cream blend together beautifully and soften the whole thing out. The result is that the butterscotch is diluted down so the taste is fairly faint, while still detectable. It matches the description of Butterbeer given in Harry Potter, “a little like less-sickly butterscotch.”
Overall: The juice is very accurate when it comes to the concept of the flavor, and it makes it a solid choice for an all-day-vape if you like the sound of it, but for me the concept itself is what’s lacking here. Vanilla and cream are tasty, but can’t really carry a flavor alone, and the butterscotch is too dialed down in the mix to give the juice any sort of punch. It’s still pleasant, but it’s nothing to get excited about.
Boomslang – Rating 4/5
Accuracy: This is a mixture of tart apple, mixed berries and kiwi, described by them as a “VapeWild masterpiece.” The apple takes center-stage in the flavor, and it’s really well-captured and realistic, definitively adding tartness as advertised. The kiwi is the next most prominent component, and again it must be said that it’s very well captured. The mixed berry is hard to pick out, but it likely adds to the overall fruity sweetness of the mix.
Overall: This is definitely an enjoyable flavor, thanks to the sharpness of the apple and the sweetness from the fruit blend, but it’s one that could be a little better. The kiwi seems to be element that tastes away from it a little, adding an extra layer of tartness as well as the characteristic flavor of the fruit that takes away from the broad appeal of the otherwise punchy and delicious juice. It’s still good, but it just misses out on being great.
The G.O.A.T. (March Mystery Flavor) – Rating 2.5/5
Accuracy: Each month, Vape Wild offers a mystery flavor, and we tried the March 2016 option, which turned out to be the G.O.A.T., or the Greatest of All Time. The flavor is a blueberry and yoghurt blend, but when you don’t know that, it’s a very disconcerting taste. The blueberry is faintly detectable, but the component that’s supposedly yoghurt doesn’t quite hit the mark, and leaves you unsure as to what it is you’re tasting. It has a kind of sour, off-milk flavor to it, which may be a fair description of yoghurt, but it doesn’t translate well to e-juice.
Overall: Despite my confusion about what it actually was, I did make my way through a tank of this juice. It was reasonably enjoyable, in a way, but I didn’t fill up with it again. The blueberry elements are quite good, but the overriding taste of the not-so-great yoghurt really spoils the whole experience. Some people seem to love it, but it’s not one for me.
Hooch – Rating 4/5
Accuracy: Hooch is advertised as a “purple drank concoction,” or a blend of blueberry and pomegranate. The flavors come through well, and are two more well-captured fruits from Vape Wild. The pomegranate is the dominant element in the taste, instantly evoking memories of the real thing and bursting with the fruit’s unique flavor. The blueberry takes a back seat, but adds a less challenging and complex fruitiness to the juice, as well as imparting more pleasant sweetness.
Overall: This is an awesome flavor for anybody who loves fruity juices. It’s a unique combination, and Vape Wild has pulled it off really well. The flavor is almost perfumey without taking on too much of a chemical taste and becoming unpleasant, and the overriding sweetness from the fruits takes it to the next level. The result is an excellent juice, unlike anything you’ll find elsewhere, and a potential all-day vape despite the challenging and robust nature of the juice.
Cherry Cola – 4/5
Accuracy: This juice needs no description beyond the name, and it was one of their most requested flavors. The juice does capture what it sets out to, but with one key caveat: it doesn’t taste like Coca Cola, but one of those generic colas you can pick up for way cheaper. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing – since you definitely get the sort of thing you’re looking for – but it must be said that when you buy a cherry cola juice, most of us are looking for the taste of the iconic brand. For me, the cut-price imitations don’t really reach the same heights. The cherry is well-balanced, though, and on the whole I’d still say this is very accurate to the intended taste.
Overall: This is a really tasty e-juice, but the cheap cola taste takes a little something away from it for me. This isn’t much of a complaint, because I still think the flavor is excellent, but it’s more that it could have been so much better if they’d managed to get it close to the real deal. However, it’s still excellently balanced, true to the intention and a potential all-day vape. It’s not perfect, but definitely still enjoyable.
Murica – Rating 4.5/5
Accuracy: This is a red, white and blue Popsicle flavor, with elements of cherry, lemon-lime, and blue raspberries. The result is another biting, sharp fruity flavor from Vape Wild, and it’s another one packed with well-executed replications of the flavor. The citrusy, lemon-lime components to the flavor are the most notable, but the sweeter tones from the cherry help to mellow out the flavor and take some of the bite out of the citrus. The blue raspberry isn’t too noticeable, but it probably blends into the fruity din of the flavor.
Overall: This is another delicious juice, inviting comparisons with Jimmy the Juice Man’s legendary Shurb, and being enjoyable for basically the same reasons: it manages to combine sharp fruity flavors without producing something too powerful, blending them nicely with a good helping of candy-sweetness to help it go down easily. It’s probably not an all-day vape for most, but it’s still a delicious treat for occasional vaping.
Honey Moo Moo – Rating 4.5/5
Accuracy: This is a milk and honey juice, shooting for a type of biblical splendor in an e-juice flavor probably best known from Milk and Honey by Cosmic Fog. The juice definitely hits on the key flavors it’s shooting for, with the honey in particular being excellently captured. The danger with honey is having the juice descend into generic sweetness, but this flavor manages to maintain the honey element and it pulls it off with an impressive degree of realism. The milk backs the whole thing up nicely, but really the honey is the star of the show.
Overall: This is a brilliant e-juice, if all the gushing about the honey replication didn’t give my opinion away enough already. It might not be the most interesting combination in the world, but with such a realistic honey and the softness of the milk backing it up, there’s really nothing not to like. The gentle nature of the flavor makes it a perfect all day vape, and although a touch of strawberry or some sort of fruit might have made it even better, there’s nothing to complain about here. It’s one of my favorites of the bunch from Vape Wild.