The whole process of quitting smoking is pretty grueling and when you decide to finally do it, you need to stack the odds in your favor. You have to have your vape, your support circle, your patches, your carrot sticks…the list just goes on and on!
However, sometimes all you need is a good laugh to stop you from slipping up. That’s the point of these quit smoking memes I’ve collected here. I ran across them while researching how I could quit and saved the funniest ones. A recent clean-up of my bookmarks jogged my memory and I thought: ‘Hey, these could help someone who’s going through the same thing right now’.
Disclaimer – these won’t magically take away your cravings, but if they give you a chuckle, they’ve done their job. It’s an eclectic (and sporadically inspirational) collection: you have your quit smoking memes, funny smoking memes, and downright weird smoking memes. However, somewhere, at some point, some struggling almost ex-smokers decided to make them so let’s air them out a bit and show the world that smoking cessation is not all pain – there are some laughs there, too.
These smoking memes are listed in no particular order, although the Oprah one had me in stitches for a couple of days.
Submit Your Stop Smoking Meme
There you have them – some weird smoking memes made it to this list, but I have a proposal for you. Submit your own entry (in the comment section) and I’ll make sure it gets added to the post. It can be original work or you can dig it out of the Internet abyss. Just make sure that it’s funny and/or inspirational and that’s that.
Challenge accepted?