We’re all fortunate enough to belong to a group of people who don’t take themselves too seriously. At its core, vaping is supposed to be a darn fun activity, one that brings you closer together with other vape aficionados. Recommending gear, talking up (are talking down) vape juice brands, offering tips and tricks for leaky tanks, swapping thermal runaway stories (the fewer, the better) – that’s what it should all be about. And then we have the vape memes. Most of them seem to poke fun at the community, but that’s fine – a hearty laugh is always welcome!
The Internet is flooded with fun vape memes and this particular selection is by no means all-inclusive. While some of them are slightly tongue-in-cheek, they are all funny and remarkably close to the truth (head in a cloud, anyone?). I dare all cloud chasers to snap a photo of their living room while they’re trying out new flavors and prove the memes wrong?!
In any case, here are my top vape memes. Some might be slightly older but they are classics and any list would be incomplete without them. Hopefully, you’ll get a good laugh out of them because I certainly did.
Want To See Your Vape Meme Featured Here?
As I’ve mentioned, this list is far from comprehensive so if there’s anything you’d like to add to it, please leave a comment below. I’ll make sure to update the post if your submission gets me to crack a smile. Challenge accepted?
Vape On!